As workplaces continue to advance, leaders are faced with new challenges regularly. From managing hybrid teams to settling workplace conflicts, there’s a growing demand for high-performing leaders with solid people management skills. However, if managers want to be successful, then they need to develop a combination of hard and soft skills. Here is a checklist of leadership skills that every manager in the 21st century should have.

  1. Trustworthiness – Trust is usually one of the main things that separates positive work cultures from toxic ones. Managers that model accountability can empower employees to reach their goals. A trustworthy leader keeps promises with employees, avoids micromanaging them, and supports reasonable risks.

  2. Communication – Every manager should be well versed in the 7 C’s of Communication: clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, courteous. Effective communication is key to not only learning from employees but also customers. High-performing leaders can also provide constructive criticism in a supportive manner so that employees don’t feel insulted.

  3. Emotional Intelligence – Emotional intelligence is another must-have skill when it comes to managing employees now. A recent survey even indicated that 71% of employers value EQ over IQ because leaders that have it are typically better at resolving workplace conflict, stay calm under pressure, and show employees empathy.

  4. Delegation – Equal distribution of work is the key to showing employees that you’re not playing favorites. It also helps keep high-performing employees from burning out. Leaders today really need to focus on giving suitable projects to the right people at the right time.

These are just a few of the most in-demand skills that every manager should already have or be developing. Leaders also have to be resilient and prepared to adapt to meet the changing needs of the respective workforce.


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